- eduardo@conchasbrasil.org.br
ESPÉCIE: Bostryx granulatus Breure & Neubert, 2008
Tamanho médio: 26 mm
Ocorrência: Peru, Departamento de Lima
Localidade tipo: “Yauyos: Rio Canete valley”
Altitude: 3100 m
Nome original: Bostryx granulatus Breure & Neubert, 2008
Etimologia: o nome da espécie é uma referência à estrutura das últimas voltas da concha, uma das características da espécie, e a palavra deriva do Latim “granum”, grão (grain)
Descrição original:
(Breure & Neubert, 2008): “Shell up to 29.9 mm, 1.8 times as long as wide, perforate, with slightly convex sides, rather thin. Colour ivory white, ornamented with coffee-brown spiral bands, either (a) continuous, ten on the ultimate whorl, leaving a white band on the periphery, or (b) punctilineate, coalescing in axial streaks of brown; umbilicus encircled by a broad brown band. Surface with incrassate growth striae, on the penultimate and last whorl becoming densely and finely granulate. Protoconch with hardly perceptible, dense and fine spiral striae. Whorls 6.3, hardly convex; suture well impressed. Aperture subovate, the margins converging, coloured like the outside, whitish at the peristome; 1.6 times as long as wide, 0.5 times total shell height. Peristome thin, hardly expanded below, arcuate above. Columellar margin slightly oblique, slightly dilated above and receding; columella with a slight curve inside the aperture.”
Fotos: (1) Senckenberg Natural History Museum, Frankfurt: HOLOTYPE SMF 162178, Yauyos: Vale do Rio Canete, 3100m de altitude, 26.3 mm
Figura: (Breure & Neubert, 2008): (17) Bostryx granulatus, HOLOTYPE (SMF 162178), Yauyos, H=26.3mm; (18) idem, PARATYPE (SMF 162179), H=29.9mm; (19) escultura da última volta da concha do HOLOTYPE; (20) Bostryx huarazensis Pilsbry, 1944, Oyon (SMF 162180),H=21.7mm; (21) Bostryx ignobilis (Philippi, 1867), Cerro Huanyacayo (SMF 164169), H=23.6 mm; (22) Bostryx kathiae Breure, 1978, Huamentanya (SMF 164131), H=15.9 mm; (23) Bostryx limensis (Reeve, 1849), La Tablada (RMNH 109663), H=16.0mm; (24) Bostryx obliquiportus laraosensis Weyrauch, 1960, 4 km from Laraos (SMF 162154), H=17.8 mm; (25) Bostryx peruvianus Pilsbry, 1944, Carayoc (SMF 164022), H=25.7 mm; (26) Bostryx scalariformis (Broderip, 1832), Lachay (RMNH 109666), shell height 14.0 mm; 27, Bostryx sordidus (Lesson, 1826), Cerro Coshco (SMF155587), H=21.6 mm; (28) Bostryx subelatus (Haas, 1948), 3 km NW Cajabamba (SMF 162174), H=13.7 mm; (29) Bostryx superbus Weyrauch, 1967, Alís (SMF 162134), H=29.1 mm
Descrição original: Breure, A. S. H. & Neubert, E. (2008). A preliminary revision of Weyrauch’s unpublished names: taxa of the genus Bostryx Troschel, 1847 (Gastropoda, Pulmonata, Orthalicidae). Basteria. 72(4-6), 319-330.
página(s): 325, figs 17-19
MolluscaBase: https://www.molluscabase.org/aphia.php?p=taxdetails&id=1451835
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