- eduardo@conchasbrasil.org.br
ESPÉCIE: Bostryx acalles (L. Pfeiffer, 1853)
Tamanho médio: 20 mm
Ocorrência: Peru, “Pampa Calquiche near Chagual, Rio Marañon valley, Dept. La Libertad”
Localidade tipo: “in Andibus Peruvianis”
Nome original: Bulimus acalles L. Pfeiffer, 1853
Comentários: possível SYNTYPE NHMUK 20100651 (Cuming coll.)
(Breure & Neubert, 2008): ” Shell up to 17.5 mm, 1.78 times as long as wide, narrowly perforate, with rather convex sides, thin. Colour (a) whitish to tawny, with axial streaks at irregular intervals, the upper whorls usually darker than the last one, (b) with a lighter spiral band on the middle of the last worl. Surface slightly shining, with incrassate growth striae. Protoconch smooth. Whorls 6.2, rather convex; suture well impressed, in some specimens bordered by a small whitish spiral band below. Aperture ovate, 1.56 times as long as wide, 0.68 times the total length. Peristome thin and simple. Columellar margin hardly dilated above.”
Fotos: (1,2) cortesia Femorale, 2018, Peru, Peru, La Libertad, Chagual, 19 e 21 mm respectivamente
Figura: Breure & Ablett, 2014: (A) Bostryx acalles (Pfeiffer, 1853), possível SYNTYPE NHMUK 20100651 (H = 13.2 mm); (B) Bostryx depstus (Reeve, 1849), LECTOTYPE NHMUK 1975318 (H = 18.5mm); (C) Bostryx conspersus (Sowerby I, 1833), provável SYNTYPE NHMUK 20100619 (H = 19.8mm); (D) Bostryx ?hennahi (J.E. Gray, 1830), LECTOTYPE de Helix cactorum d’Orbigny, 1835, NHMUK 1854.12.4.189 (H = 24.4mm); (E–G) Bostryx modestus (Broderip in Broderip and Sowerby I 1832); (E) LECTOTYPE de Bulimus limensis Reeve, 1849, NHMUK 1975326 (H = 19.6mm); (F) SYNTYPE de Bulimus philippii Pfeiffer, 1842, NHMUK 1975348 (H = 24.3mm); (G) Bulinus modestus Broderip in Broderip and Sowerby I 1832, possível SYNTYPE NHMUK 20120232 (H = 31.6mm)
Descrição original: ND
Breure, A. S. H. & Neubert, E. (2008). A preliminary revision of Weyrauch’s unpublished names: taxa of the genus Bostryx Troschel, 1847 (Gastropoda, Pulmonata, Orthalicidae). Basteria. 72(4-6), 319-330.
página(s): 320
Breure, A. S. H. (1978). Notes on and descriptions of Bulimulidae (Mollusca, Gastropoda). Zoologische Verhandelingen. 164(1): 3-255.
página(s): 47
Breure ASH, Ablett J (2014) Annotated type catalogue of the Bulimulidae (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Orthalicoidea) in the Natural History Museum, London. ZooKeys 392: 1-367. disponível online em https://doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.392.6328
MolluscaBase: https://www.molluscabase.org/aphia.php?p=taxdetails&id=1321559
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